L., sp. Pl. 845, 1753. ¾¦¼Ó
1. Disc florets functionally staminate, sterile; style shorter than
corolla, branches not divergent; glandular hairs on corolla oblong, not stalked.
A. borealis
2. Involucre
3. Root a taproot; ultimate segments of leaf blade
A. capillaris
3. Roots
fibrous, fusiform; ultimate segments of leaf blade wider, not filiform.
4.Leaves of sterile stems serrate at apex, not cleft or parted.
5. Middle leaves of fertile stems usually
serrate at apex, ultimate segments more than 2 mm wide when pinnately parted
5. Middle leaves of fertile stems pinnately parted or divied, ultimate segments less than 1.1mm wide
A. angustissima
4. Leaves of sterile stems
subpalmately or 2-pinnately cleft, parted or divided.
6. Plants 10—25 cm tall; middle leaves of fertile stems 0.9—2.5 x
0.7-2 cm; involucre 1.4-1.6mm wide
A. hallaisanensis
6. Plants 0.3—1.2 m tall; middle leaves 3.2—6 x 2—5 cm; involucre
1.8-2.1 mm wide
A. littoricola
1. Disc florets bisexual, fertile; style as long as or longer than corolla, branches divergent; glandular hairs on corolla cuneate and not stalked or capitate and long stalked.
Underground parts consisting of short woody rhizome
bearing fusiform fibrous roots; style branches of disc florets acute at apex;
corolla with long stalked glandular hairs and uniseriate hairs
A. keiskeana
7. Underground parts consisting of a
taproot or long creeping rhizomes bearing thin fibrous roots; style branches of
disc florets not acute at apex; corolla glabrous or with cuneate sessile
glandular hairs and/or T-shaped hairs.
8. Middle leaves pinnately parted or divided; ultimate segments pectinate.
9. Annual or biennial herbs; underground part a taproot, rhizomes
10. Involucre
subglobose, 1.5-1.9 x 1.3-1.6 mm
A. annua
10. Involucre
hemispherical, 3.2—5 x 3.5—6 mm.
11. Middle leaves
oblong, oblong-ovate or elliptic, both surfaces glabrate; phyllaries sparsely
vil-Ious; receptacle glabrous; ovary glandular pubescent
A. carvifolia
11. Middle leaves ovate
or ovate-orbicular, adaxial surface sparsely villous, abaxial surface densely
villous; phyllaries densely villous; receptacle densely pubescent with
uniseriate hairs and glandular hairs; ovary glabrous
A. sieversiana
9. Perennial herbs or
subshrubs; underground parts consisting of long creeping rhizomes bearing thin
fibrous roots.
12. Perennial herbs; lower leaves persistent at anthesis; ultimate segments of lower and middle leaves serrate to pectinate, apex acute
A. tanacetifolia
12. Subshrubs; lower
leaves withered before anthesis; ultimate segments of middle leaves pectinate,
apex triangular
A. sacrorum
12.1 Both surfaces of leaves sparsely
var. iwayomogi
12.1 Abaxial surface of leaves densely villous.
12.2 Adaxial surface of leaves sparsely
villous and white glandular
var. sacrorum
12.2 Adaxial
surface of leaves densely villous
var. incana
8. Middle leaves entire,
serrulate or coarsely serrate, or 2- or 3-cleft at apex; ultimate segments not
13. Middle leaves entire,
serrulate or coarsely serrate, or 2- or 3-cleft at apex.
14. Middle leaves 2- or 3-cleft at apex; involucre hemispherical; receptacle with uniseriate hairs and glandular hairs; corolla with T-shaped hairs and cuneate sessile glandular hairs
leaves entire, serrulate or coarsely serrate; involucre ellipsoid-campanulate;
15. Abaxial surface of middle leaves sparsely villous, margin serrulate
A. viridissima
Abaxial surface of middle leaves densely arachnoid pubescent, margins entire or
coarsely serrate.
16. Middle leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, margins entire
A. subulata
16. Middle leaves elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, margins with 1—3 coarse serrations
A. integrifolia
13. Middle
leaves pinnately or palmately cleft, parted or divided.
Annual or biennial herbs; underground part a taproot; phyllaries sparsely
villous, rarely with glandular
hairs only.
18. Leaves membranous; ultimate
segments of middle leaves filiform, apex acute; heads
A. aurata
Leaves fleshy; ultimate segments of middle leaves linear, apex obtuse; heads
not grouped in paniculiform
synflorescences; involucre obconical or ellipsoid-campanulate.
Involucre 4.2—5.5 x 3.8—4.5 mm; receptacle glabrous or with few uniseriate hairs
A. fukudo
19. Involucre 2.5—4.1 x 2—2.5 mm; receptacle with dense uniseriate hair
A. fauriei
Perennial herbs or subshrubs; underground parts consisting of long creeping
rhizomes bearing
Middle leaves palmately parted or divided; segments serrulate
A. selengensis
20. Middle leaves pinnately cleft, parted or divided.
21. Stems densely villous; involucre subglobose, 6—9
mm wide
A. stelleriana
Stems arachnoid pubescent or rarely glabrous; involucre ellipsoid-campanulate
or narrowly ellipsoid-campanulate, less than 3.5 mm wide.
22. Adaxial surface of leaves without
white glandular hairs.
leaves I-pinnately cleft or parted.
Middle leaves obtuse at apex, adaxial surface densely white arachnoid pubescent
A. saitoana
Middle leaves acute at apex, adaxial surface pubescent when young, later
25. Middle leaves 5—12 x 3—7 cm; petiole 0.8—2 cm long, winged
Middle leaves 4—7 x 2—4 cm; petiole absent
A. brachyphylla
Middle leaves (1-) or 2-pinnately parted or divided.
Middle leaves (1-) or 2-pinnately divided; heads erect; involucre narrowly ellipsoid-campanulate
A. rubripes
Middle leaves (1-) or 2-pinnately parted; heads nodding; involucre ellipsoid- campanulate.
27. Primary segments of middle leaves ovate-lanceolate, apex acute, margins serrate
A. sylvatica
Primary segments of middle leaves oblanceolate, apex acuminate, margins usually
pinnately parted or lobed, or coarsely serrate.
Plants 0.6—1.1 m tall; middle leaves 4.5—10 x cm; basal lobes 3 or 4 pairs; involucre 1-1.3 mm wide
A. indica
A. montana
Adaxial surface of leaves with white glandular hairs.
Primary segments of middle leaves linear, apex obtuse; heads erect; involucre
narrowly ellipsoid-campanulate, 0.9—1.2 mm wide
A. lancea
Primary segments of middle leaves oblanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, apex acute
Middle leaves 2-pinnately parted nearly to midrib or divided; primary segments pinnately parted
or divided
A. codonocephala
A. argyi